"Always be a first-rate version of yourself,
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
-- Judy Garland
Welcome to the first day of March. What a ride the last 4 weeks have been. Phew! February was an intense and yet enlightening month for me all the way around: family, finances, health, and the future. So many simultaneous breakdowns and breakthroughs. Challenges that were sometimes totally expected and some that seemed surprising. As they say in a course I just finished, “this is what it looks like when life is working!” Seriously, not always the way I thought it was going to go but life was still working.
First major thing is I have dealing with my health in a new way. I think I have mentioned it previously, but for those that didn't know, I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago. It is disorder of the ovaries. 100's of little cysts grow on the outside of the ovaries causing all sorts of problems with their functioning. It is both an ovulation and metabolic disorder = periods come whenever they want, last for forever (ok they only last 2-3 weeks), and my body is insulin resistant.
At the time of my diagnosis, "being healthy" equaled "being thin." It was no surprise that the doctor I had at the time felt the same way. Well in my new view my body is only one part of my health to be managed. My emotional well being, my spiritual health, my integrity, and the health of my relationships all factor into the "Sho's optimal health".
So I dove in. Looked honestly at finances (integrity), my family relationships, the future, my emotional well being, and my physical health. What came out of it was a date for Steven and I's wedding June 18, 2011, a new outlook on finances, a new relationship to my business, new relationship with 4 members of my family, and me taking on my emotional, spiritual, and physical health. It might seem like a lot, but to me everything is connected anyway so when I raise the health in one area, the health in other areas improve as well.
At the end of the last 4 weeks, what I feel right now is freedom. Discovering the freedom to decide how I want the future to go free from the "shoulds, have-to's, and expecta's".
Starting today I am starting the "Psychic Pathway" a book I have wanted to read and go through for 10+ years. My spiritual health will feel well cared for inside of this practice.
For my physical health, I am staying on the Metaformin for at least 2 weeks and the Birth Control pills for another 2 months. I am taking the Fitness Game launch course in two weeks. I look forward to sharing about that.
My focus is on these two areas right now. Blessings to all and happy almost spring.