Finished HCG shots yesterday, and I'm always so amazed at how well it works when you stick to it. I started at 186.5 pounds and got down to 179 in about a week....but then, of course, the obstacles came. Dave's brother and sister-in-law were here over the weekend while I was trying to finish up the shots and it was impossible to stick with the strict requirements while at all of the restaurants they wanted to go to. When my weight in the morning krept back up the scale I got so discouraged I just threw in the towel yesterday and now I'm back up to 184.
Consistency, consistency, consistency....that's my keep a plan going for more than a week. I have good motivation for this weekend...I'm going to a Halloween party as "Like A Prayer" Madonna, with the black slip dress and curly black hair. I'm also going bridal dress shopping on Saturday morning and I really want to feel thinner for that event, so I'm committed to the rest of week of small portions. That's my only goal. I'm going to be single minded....small portions for every meal. Not nibbles all day long, just small portions so that my stomach stays flat.
Okeedokee...let's do it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Week Three -Results
Results 10/26/09
Starting Weight 10/05/09: 257.2
Last Week: 249.4
This Morning 251.8
+2.4 pounds
So I was sorting myself out this morning about what happened and what I normally do when I hit failure. First, I noticed that I wanted to lie about the results. Then I noticed that I wanted to go right back to see I can't do this. So I spoke with Steven (who was awesome) and then I decided that going public with the results would be helpful.
First I took an honest look at this past week. Both what I did food plan wise and exercise wise. I took a moment to look back over the last three weeks as well. What were the things that had me be successful in week one and two. What did I do differently.
Food Plan Wise:
Ok here is what I saw. I ate high point food and guessed on how much certain foods were points wise more than once. I didn't write down points for Sunday at all. I did some unconscious standing up in the kitchen eating on Sunday. I didn't drink my water everyday.
Exercise Wise:
This past week was a great week for exercise for me. I exercised in some way Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 6 days. I felt myself really get into the habit and get excited. I noticed that waking up got easier every day. I did Yoga a couple of mornings, the long long bike ride on Monday, did Bollywood Booty, Arms, and the Rough Bodies 'Legs and Butt'.
What I am going to take on this week?
Food Plan:
Exercise Wise:
I will keep up the exercise I have been doing. 5-7 days a week is my goal and I will just repeat it this week. It was fun.
Ok... check back next week to see what happened.
Starting Weight 10/05/09: 257.2
Last Week: 249.4
This Morning 251.8
+2.4 pounds
So I was sorting myself out this morning about what happened and what I normally do when I hit failure. First, I noticed that I wanted to lie about the results. Then I noticed that I wanted to go right back to see I can't do this. So I spoke with Steven (who was awesome) and then I decided that going public with the results would be helpful.
First I took an honest look at this past week. Both what I did food plan wise and exercise wise. I took a moment to look back over the last three weeks as well. What were the things that had me be successful in week one and two. What did I do differently.
Food Plan Wise:
Ok here is what I saw. I ate high point food and guessed on how much certain foods were points wise more than once. I didn't write down points for Sunday at all. I did some unconscious standing up in the kitchen eating on Sunday. I didn't drink my water everyday.
Exercise Wise:
This past week was a great week for exercise for me. I exercised in some way Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 6 days. I felt myself really get into the habit and get excited. I noticed that waking up got easier every day. I did Yoga a couple of mornings, the long long bike ride on Monday, did Bollywood Booty, Arms, and the Rough Bodies 'Legs and Butt'.
What I am going to take on this week?
Food Plan:
I will go back to the basics and write down everything I am eating as I am eating it. I am going to get more mathematic about portion sizes. I have been using my eyes to measure the amount of food I am eating. Given how I gained what I lost in the 2nd week, I am pretty sure that I was visually guessing less than actual. I can start measuring food. Last drink my water everyday.
Exercise Wise:
I will keep up the exercise I have been doing. 5-7 days a week is my goal and I will just repeat it this week. It was fun.
Ok... check back next week to see what happened.
weight gain,
weight loss,
weight watchers
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Go Sho!
If you haven't read Sho's previous blog, do so. It's hilarious. I'm sure we've all had days like that.
I'm down from 186.5 on Sunday morning to 183 this morning. HCG works SO well...but I've only got 7 days left so I need to squeeze all the fat-burning power out of this diet that I can. My goal is to be 176 or less by Halloween. My sister told me that she has a professor who used HCG to go from a size 16 to a 6! I'm so inspired!
I went to the gym a couple of times last week, so I nailed that goal. But the yoga class kicked my ass......why do these yoga classes have to be so fast! I like my home-yoga method of sitting in each pose for about a decade. :) My goal this week is to get out into my neighborhood forest and jog or ride my bike at least 3 times before the weekend. I also need to move my body or do yoga daily in some way while I'm on the HCG. Then next week, when I'm off, I'll kick it in the ass with exercise. Okay, getting ready for myTuesday morning power-call with Sho! Being accountable to each other is SO helpful!
I'm down from 186.5 on Sunday morning to 183 this morning. HCG works SO well...but I've only got 7 days left so I need to squeeze all the fat-burning power out of this diet that I can. My goal is to be 176 or less by Halloween. My sister told me that she has a professor who used HCG to go from a size 16 to a 6! I'm so inspired!
I went to the gym a couple of times last week, so I nailed that goal. But the yoga class kicked my ass......why do these yoga classes have to be so fast! I like my home-yoga method of sitting in each pose for about a decade. :) My goal this week is to get out into my neighborhood forest and jog or ride my bike at least 3 times before the weekend. I also need to move my body or do yoga daily in some way while I'm on the HCG. Then next week, when I'm off, I'll kick it in the ass with exercise. Okay, getting ready for myTuesday morning power-call with Sho! Being accountable to each other is SO helpful!
Monday, October 19, 2009
For great results exercise Or Adventures in Bikeland
Well it is Monday night and I am completely bushed. My mom and I had a little adventure in bicycle land. We rode from her house in Aurora to Cherry Creek Reservoir. It was so beautiful. It was 80 degrees with a cool breeze. We saw so many trees that had turned red and gold. Plus it is a state park, bird sanctuary, and nature reserve. All the flora and fauna is native. Even though it is right in the middle of a city, it feels like I am out on the prairie.
The adventure part is coming. Read on please.
From my mom's house, it is only 6 1/2 miles there. Once we got to the park, we rode around the lake as far as you can go without going on the dam road ; ). Seriously that is what it is called. Going around the lake is another 3 miles. We then turned around to head back. We took the same way we went. So another 3 miles. If you have lost track of the math, by this time we had ridden 12 1/2 miles. Not a bad ride and then we would ride the remaining 6+ miles home. While climbing a brutally steep hill (well it was brutally steep to me anyway), my mom says 'Sho, I think your back tire is flat?!'
After chug-a-lugging up the hill, we stop. I notice that not only is my back tire completely flat, but my front tire is flat and filled with thorns as well. ARGH! Darn thorns. Well being the resourceful women we are, we found a very nice man (Frank Thornton) with an RV. He had a compressor and filled both tires. Being smart, my 130-pound mom rode my bike instead. We had a hope that the tires would last longer that way. NOT!! Did I mention that she is 5'4" and I rode her bike instead. I think my earlobes are still bruised.
Fast forward about ten minutes ---> FLAT. So we just decided that best thing to do was walk our bikes back to mom's house. Did I mention it is 7 miles to her house? So today I went on a 12 1/2 mile bike ride and 7 mile walk rolling half pulling a bicycle with two very flat tires. It was probably the most sweaty, hard, surprising, and fun thing I have done with my mom in a long while. I haven't ridden my bike where those stupid thorns are since I was a teenager. I forgot about those fu*&ers...
Results Week 2
Starting Weight: 257.2
Last Week Weight: 251.8
This mornings weight in: 249.4
Grand Total So Far
8.4 pounds of Excess body fat removed!!
weight loss
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dieter 101 - Stick to the plan
DIETER'S 101 ~ Stick to the plan
My mom has a saying - "Diets work great... if you follow them." For me that has been the sticking point. Can I sustain a healthy consistent diet until the time I have reached a healthy "doctor-happy" weight. I have gained and lost a lot of weight over my lifetime.
So the question I asked myself before doing this again (hello serial dieter) was "Is Weight Watchers, exercise, and my lap band combo something I am willing to do the rest of my life". The answer I got intuitively was yes. So.. the plan is clear and has begun.
Well wouldn't you know that the first week of my Skinny Bitches game I would attend a birthday party feast. If you haven't ever done Moroccan, I recommend it. Good food. Anyway they serve 5 courses. Seriously a lot of good food all family style. The kind of meal where you could eat a crap load and no one notices. For an old school compulsive overeater like me, it is tempting to ditch the diet and partake. Well I did what any girl who is going to lose 90+ pounds would do. I kept track of what I ate (the best I could) avoided the bread cause that makes me ill and then wrote it down immediately afterwards.
So now the results... BTW my shoe size will change. A friend of mine lost 120 pounds and she went from a 9 1/2 to a 7 1/2 shoe size. Don't know if it will change or not, but wanted to say it all.
October 10, 2009
Previous Weight 10/5 - 257.2pounds
10/10 Weigh In - 251.8 pounds
5.4 pound weight loss
Only 96.8 pounds to go!!
**Remember nothing tastes as good as being thing feels**
I heard this at Weight Watchers. They say at the end of every meeting.
Partners in Crime, Killing Fat One Day at a Time
I just woke up. That's the wittiest title I can think of without coffee.
Last night I dreamt that I was yelling at myself for eating so much before bed, so I think it's clear that I've got weightloss on the brain. Maybe if I blog before bed I won't have to berate myself in NeverNeverLand.
I'm SO glad to have Shoshanna as my cyber-workout buddy. She's psychic, you know, so she'll be able to tell if I'm lying about how much I ate or worked out. Ha!
Here are the facts: I'm getting married ON THE BEACH in North Carolina May 22, 2010 and Sho is a bridesmaid in the wedding. The day I asked her to be in the wedding party we both declared our war on fat and committed to be Skinny Bitches by May. Then to add fuel to the fire, her man popped the question and now SHE is getting married in September 2010. We're both living dangerously by postponing the holiest of holies....(buying the dress) until we've dropped a few more pounds. According to the Gospel of Weddings (Bride's Magazine) I'm already screwed because my wedding is just a mere 7 months away and I haven't even ordered the dress. Livin' on the edge...
My Vitals:
Weight: 186
Height: 5'11"
Dress Size: 12-14
Shoe Size: 10 (Sho, why are we sharing our shoe size? Does it change as our breasts get smaller?)
Measurements: I hate doing these...I should, but I hate it. Okay, hell, I'll do it.
Bust: 36", Natural Waist: 341/4", Ass: 43"
My Goal:
Unlike Sho, I inherited a huge problem with cottage cheesy cellulite. My thighs look exactly like my mothers and I haven't even had a baby yet. I don't know how much weight I need to lose, but I do know that I want to prance down the beach in a bikini in May without looking like something off the show room floor of Mattress King. The worst is actually the cellulite on my breasts...I dont' have cleavage but when I wear a low-cut neckline my breasts are actually bumpy. Ahhhhh! This will take a really clean diet: cutting back on alcohol, sugar and processed foods.
The last time I remember being close to my goal weight, I was somewhere in the 150s, but I didn't have an ounce of muscle, so I'm guessing I should weigh about 160 if I'm stacked.
There's a great gym down the street that Dave and I plan to join once we get his Nov. 1 paycheck. I plan to create a workout schedule with their group classes: pilates, yoga, cardio, etc. I've also got 10 days left of HCG injections, which I'll start on the 18th. We've got a Halloween party to go to with all of his friends in Raleigh. That will be my first milestone. I want to be safely in the 170s by that party, so I can wear something a little sexier than the tummy-covering babydoll dresses I've grown accustomed to all summer.
By next post, I want to report that I've actually gone to the gym, and managed to go a few days without my nightcap and post-dinner munchies in front of the television.
Over and Out,
Bond..... Jenny Bond
007, The FatSlayer
Last night I dreamt that I was yelling at myself for eating so much before bed, so I think it's clear that I've got weightloss on the brain. Maybe if I blog before bed I won't have to berate myself in NeverNeverLand.
I'm SO glad to have Shoshanna as my cyber-workout buddy. She's psychic, you know, so she'll be able to tell if I'm lying about how much I ate or worked out. Ha!
Here are the facts: I'm getting married ON THE BEACH in North Carolina May 22, 2010 and Sho is a bridesmaid in the wedding. The day I asked her to be in the wedding party we both declared our war on fat and committed to be Skinny Bitches by May. Then to add fuel to the fire, her man popped the question and now SHE is getting married in September 2010. We're both living dangerously by postponing the holiest of holies....(buying the dress) until we've dropped a few more pounds. According to the Gospel of Weddings (Bride's Magazine) I'm already screwed because my wedding is just a mere 7 months away and I haven't even ordered the dress. Livin' on the edge...
My Vitals:
Weight: 186
Height: 5'11"
Dress Size: 12-14
Shoe Size: 10 (Sho, why are we sharing our shoe size? Does it change as our breasts get smaller?)
Measurements: I hate doing these...I should, but I hate it. Okay, hell, I'll do it.
Bust: 36", Natural Waist: 341/4", Ass: 43"
My Goal:
Unlike Sho, I inherited a huge problem with cottage cheesy cellulite. My thighs look exactly like my mothers and I haven't even had a baby yet. I don't know how much weight I need to lose, but I do know that I want to prance down the beach in a bikini in May without looking like something off the show room floor of Mattress King. The worst is actually the cellulite on my breasts...I dont' have cleavage but when I wear a low-cut neckline my breasts are actually bumpy. Ahhhhh! This will take a really clean diet: cutting back on alcohol, sugar and processed foods.
The last time I remember being close to my goal weight, I was somewhere in the 150s, but I didn't have an ounce of muscle, so I'm guessing I should weigh about 160 if I'm stacked.
There's a great gym down the street that Dave and I plan to join once we get his Nov. 1 paycheck. I plan to create a workout schedule with their group classes: pilates, yoga, cardio, etc. I've also got 10 days left of HCG injections, which I'll start on the 18th. We've got a Halloween party to go to with all of his friends in Raleigh. That will be my first milestone. I want to be safely in the 170s by that party, so I can wear something a little sexier than the tummy-covering babydoll dresses I've grown accustomed to all summer.
By next post, I want to report that I've actually gone to the gym, and managed to go a few days without my nightcap and post-dinner munchies in front of the television.
Over and Out,
Bond..... Jenny Bond
007, The FatSlayer
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Journey Begins

Welcome to
Journey to Sexy Bridedom
Why blog this journey?
Well... Whether 150 strangers end up following us or it is just Eryn and I sharing our weekly experiences, I will be accountable to report results and experiences. At the very least, it will remind me what I am going for.
I am a Virgo and am an expert at making the simple complex. Weight loss is really simple math and physics... or so my doctor tells me.
Let's start with what's so:
October 5, 2009
Weight: 257.2 pds
Height: 5'7"
Pant Size: 22
Shirt Size: 22/24
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
BMI: 40.3 (calculator for BMI)
Where am I headed...
My Goal Weight
Weight: 155 pounds
BMI: 24.3
Don't know what size that is. We will just have to see.
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