Friday, December 18, 2009

High on Endorphins! Why didn't I Do this Earlier???

Okay, I'm finally making some real progress so it's time for some pictorial reference points. This picture will have to suffice for my "before" shot. Look closely, I've got a belly that looks about 4 months pregnant, my arms are like long Italian sausages, and I have the famous double chin from my Mom's side of the family.


I am so excited to report that I've had two sessions with my HOT personal trainer, and already I feel amazing! More importantly, I scheduled my sessions for early in the morning...which started a very positive chain of events. Firstly, I go to bed earlier, which dramatically decreases my temptation to eat after dinner. If I'm not up, I'm not watching TV, and if I'm not watching TV, I have no need to munchy munch.
Also...just two days of weight-lifting for my core has given me INCREDIBLE relief from the usual debilitating back pain. I used to brace myself before sitting down in my car or bending over to put on my shoes....but the last two days have been filled with little overjoyed moments bending over and preparing myself to get a pinch in my back, and then being pleasant surprised that there was no pain.   Ah!!! There is hope!

So my hottie trainer, Vince, wants me to keep a food log as well. Everything gets written down... And I'm on track to exercise 6 days a week. Three days of weight training and cardio, and three days of just cardio. So far, it's been easy! Now I just need to keep the momentum.

I am SO amazed at easy it is to go to the gym when I'm accountable to someone else to be there. I always thought I'd have to be rich and "settled" before I had the time and money to hire a trainer, but with the economy being what it is, the gyms are giving killer deals right now. So I finally have what I thought I'd only have when I was "wealthy". I have support, I have a hot guy to stare at who is cheering me on, and I have a next-door neighbor who looks out her window to check to see if my car has left the drive-way on the mornings she knows I need to get into the gym. 
Yeah! It's so nice to not be alone with this anymore...  I do a lot of things alone...this is one that I don't have to!
And my call with Shoshanna was the most helpful tool of the week. Leave it to women to change their bodies and change the world by banding together!!

Happy Holidays!

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