Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blowing My Own Mind

How, exactly, does one go from dreading the gym to craving the gym? I'm in amazement. Little elves must be running around in my head, cleaning old programs off of my internal hard drive. I am actually on my way to having a gym "habit".

We're at Week 5 now, of this new experience .I so enjoy the community...seeing the same faces every day on the treadmills, getting the same waves or smiles of camaraderie as I climb off the sweaty stationary bike and wipe it down for the next user. We've all got this habit now... and we're doing it together.  The Monday after New Year's Weekend the place was packed and it was almost insulting. All these eager and excited new faces pushing themselves to the limit, basking in the new feeling of hope and discipline. I felt encroached upon. I took comfort in the familiar faces. This was our territory and all of these newcomers were sort of messing up the vibe. But not to worry...they were all gone by Wednesday.  Short-lived devotion. A one-night stand with Lady Fitness.

I love watching how the demographic changes. In the early morning it's the older crowd....50s and 60 somethings who have learned through the School of Hard Knocks that starting your day with this routine is the best way to create consistency.  The Gray Hairs rule the 8 a.m. game, along with a few 30 somethings who are most likely busy moms squeezing in their cardio while the kids are at school.  Then around 5:30 all hell breaks loose and the gym is over-run with 20 somethings...an an air of vane insecurity is so thick in the sweaty vibe that you could cut it with a knife.  Tatooed boys with bandanas are swinging around the bar bells with no attention to controlling the weight....just obsessions with poundage and how their grunting and breathing accurately communicates the size of their penis. It's hilarious, really.  Last night some guy was grunting so loudly that he was drawing attention to himself from across the room, and when he dropped the bar bell on the floor with a loud ringing thud, the whole treadmill brigade swung their heads around to see if he was okay. I was hoping he'd be embarrassed, but instead he strutted around like a peacock...proud of his poundage.
Gimme a break.

The rest of plunged ahead...raising the elevation of our treadmills and turning up the volume on our Ipods.

It feels good to be a part of this tribe of soldiers....fighting the good fight against fat and laziness. I feel filled with possibility....even ready to entertain the idea of a surfing lessons this Spring. Wow.....I'm blowing my own mind.

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