Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Naked Truth (Before Pictures)

Okay....are you ready? I'm about to bear all. Michelle (the perky neighbor next door who lost her pedunka-dunk in the trunk) has got me signing up for www.transformation.com: an 18-week mind,body, spirit challenge to drop weight and get super-sculpted. I WAS IN THE GYM AT 8 A.M. ON NEW YEAR'S DAY!!! I have to take a lovely "before" picture and post it on line. They're also running a contest...whoever can make the most inspirational transformation (and write about it well) can win $50,000, a vacation, etc. So, well, I'm motivated.    Okay...here they are. The lovely "before" pictures. Dave is doing this with me, sort of. He did the photo for moral support, but then he plowed into a bag of chips afterwards so I'm not going to hold my breath for his "transformation". That's okay though,...I like his belly (for now).

AHHHHH! That was really hard!
Vince is kicking my ass at the gym, and I've significantly reduced how much food I'm eating, but I still haven't seen the scale drop. What I didn't realize is that in the first few weeks that you start lifting regularly, you actually sort of swell up and feel thicker. So I've got to past that part. I have felt a big difference in my legs and butt...sort of an emerging hardness, and a few new lines of tone that weren't there 3 weeks ago. Sort of like my "real" body is fighting to get out from under that layer of fat. Keep fighting, body! Keep fighting! You can do it!
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this......

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